My New Years intention that became a deep imbedded promise/foundation to myself began 12 year ago during a tough time in my life where I had put on weight because of ptsd/anxiety/processing trauma, you name it. I felt so unhealthy internally and externally. But 12 years ago, before kids, right when the ball dropped, Jamie and I were on a dance floor and I remember like it was yesterday, telling myself that I’m not letting this 2013/new year ahead end the way it started. And that I didn’t. I would do everything in my power to keep healing, growing, and persevering like I had always done before.
I wasn’t starting a fad diet or quick fix/trend, nope. It was all grit and a whole lot of grace for myself. I started speaking life into myself with what my INTENTIONS were and that became my FUEL to manifest my goals and visions! I made lifestyle changes Consistently for many years and there was no “resolution end date.” I didn’t have to reach a certain point by a certain time, I just made the changes day by day and it all became a LIFESTYLE. Now I’m TWELVE years in with so much knowledge, growth, strength, and healing under my belt while still putting in all that work on the daily. Always learning and growing continuously.
I challenge you to set INTENTIONS for your New Year. Not a resolution. Intentions allow us to focus on the present moment and the actions we need to take, rather than fixating on a specific outcome like resolutions drive us towards and it can be discouraging if that resolution is not achieved. Which then leads to a sense of failure, hence way so many fall off the wagon so to say a few weeks into the new year.
By setting intentions, we can cultivate a mindset of continuous growth, learning, and self-improvement throughout the entire year even if we run into obstacles or detours. It’s not all or nothing here. And this mindset will trickle down into years to come! Here’s to another year of putting in the real work day in and day out. It all adds up to so much more when you keep on keeping on. 💪🏼🩷✨
